Augustana Care’s Apple Valley staff is excited to share that from now on, the health care center will be known as Augustana Care Health and Rehabilitation of Apple Valley. The new name better represents our… READ MORE
Augustana Care not only serves residents and patients through housing and health care; we also provide community-based services such as Meals on Wheels and adult day services. In addition, Augustana Care partners and collaborates with… READ MORE
The Unit Collective is a group of diverse, under-represented theater artists who work to make the invisible visible. They have created a new piece about older adults to be presented at the Playwrights Center in… READ MORE
We may have Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and dozens of other social media sites, but most of us know the chances for older and younger generations to meet face to face are dwindling. That means older… READ MORE
When kids become more independent, moms and dads are needed less and less. When I would call my mom with a problem, at the end of the conversation she would say, “I’m so happy you… READ MORE
At Augustana Care, we work to champion and raise awareness of the value older adults bring to our communities. That’s why we’re thrilled to see Boyd Huppert’s touching story of Augustana Regent resident and WWII… READ MORE
Numerous studies predict a nursing shortage in the future, with more acute shortages expected by organizations that serve older adults. To address this issue, Augustana Care has provided learning opportunities to students interested in nursing,… READ MORE
One in five Medicare beneficiaries returns to the hospital within one month after being discharged. One in three returns within ninety days, according to the New England Journal of Medicine. Registered Nurse and Life Care… READ MORE
The last thing most older adults want and need is to ride a roller coaster of health crises! Life Care Navigator Lyn Lais talks to radio host Susie Jones on WCCO-AM about how our new… READ MORE
For too many older adults, life can become a series of crises, sending them on a roller-coaster ride that brings them in and out of the hospital repeatedly. A new program called Thrive On @… READ MORE