Harrison in pink scrubs, walking toward the camera

Valley View Village Nursing Assistant Harrison Palmer

Face of Caring – March 2022

Married 46 years to his adored wife Mary, Harrison has two sons, a daughter and ten grandchildren. Harrison could have retired years ago, but that’s not his style. Instead, he joined Valley View Village in Des Moines Iowa as a certified nursing assistant. “I love being with residents—not because they are residents—but because they are great people,” he says.

After working a while as a nursing assistant, Harrison transferred to the maintenance department. “I built houses in the past and always liked tinkering,” he says. He held onto his nursing assistance license too because “it’s very rewarding,” he says. “Being with people here makes me think of my mother and grandmother.”

Harrison now works at maintenance and as a nursing assistant should the need arise. He is also a donor to Valley View’s employee fund. The fund helps employees with car payments, rent, child care or other expenses if help is needed.

“We never know what the future will bring. Every one of us may need assistance one day,” Harrison explains. “I truly believe if you give a little bit of yourself all day long—to residents or fellow employees—it’s like lighting a sparkler inside them,” he says. “That’s all I want to do.”

Cassia is inspired by Harrison’s story and by all employees who make it a priority to help their co-workers. We are thrilled to be able to honor Harrison!