Man walking with walker

Resident Make Great Strides with The Boogie Walk

By Courtney Lotzer, Community Liaison

Before coming to Lake Ridge Care Center, Harold Peltz lived on a dairy farm between Buffalo and Rockford, since 1962. While at home he suffered a back injury, which caused an infection. He was in a lot of pain and lost the ability to walk or get up on his own. He came to Lake Ridge to get the help he needed, and begin therapy.

Part of Harold’s therapy is the daily “Boogie Walk” that residents participate in every morning. Fun music is played over the PA system and residents walk the halls with staff. Harold said “I need the exercise and I like the people I walk with. We have great conversations.”

After hearing about Harold’s time on the farm, Pastor Chuck asked if he had heard about the problem on the dairy farm. It was an udder disaster!

Harold speeds down the hall and ends his walk with a little jog and a spring in his step. Even though we are wearing masks you can see we are all smiling, and are so happy to see the progress Harold has made.

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Harold Peltz, Pastor Chuck Dake and April Cranston (Staff Development/Quality Services) get ready to Boogie Walk down the halls of Lake Ridge Care Center